We make innovative Smart Energy & IT solution vendors grow through identify & facilitate quick business wins by leveraging our global partnerships and market access.
Industry Engagement
NakiTech continuously invests in industry engagement and leadership activities under three main areas.
Leading Communities
Energy & Innovation Leaders
Created and managed by NakiTech, the Global Energy Innovation Leaders (GEIL) Group consists of 30+ innovation energy company managers that regularly meet to share experience and address common challenges.
The Israeli Smart Energy Association, ISEA, is a not-for-profit industry association, bringing together local and global smart energy players and stakeholders to share knowledge, drive initiatives, and build partnerships.
Digital Substations
Formed and managed by Elad Shaviv, MD of NakiTech, this group brings substation professionals from European and American utilities together to share knowledge and experience in defining the value that digital substations contributes to current utility business driven solutions.
Projects & Partners
NakiTech is proud to be selected by Cisco to deliver customized Go To Market programs for select technology partners. NakiTech personnel have been granted "employee level" access to Cisco resources to enhance their ability to assist these select partners.
Microgrid Israel Ltd. (MGI), a partially owned subsidiary of NakiTech, has emerged as the provider-of-choice for Israel's emerging microgrid market. The active engagement with MGI’s projects, brings real world deployment knowledge and opportunities to NakiTech clients.
To ensure we are in the forefront of innovation in the energy market, NakiTech’s team continuously assumes leadership roles at energy pilot projects around the world. Examples of such projects:
Pan European zero energy settlement pilot project
Israeli microgrid management pilot
US campus-grid energy coordination pilot project
Thought Leadership
Standards & WG
NakiTech’s team are active in a verity of standards and working groups as:
Digital Substations “Value Creation Think Tank”
The Global Energy Innovation Leaders Group
CIRED WG 2019-02 “Microgrids Business Models and regulatory issues” Working group.
Smart Cities standards (Israel) expert group
IEC SEG6. Microgrids and Non-traditional Distribution Networks expert group
Events & Leadership
Our team’s leadership is being acknowledged by the frequent invites to speak and to lead industry events:
Advisory Committee member of the World Utility Summit
Chairing the Israeli Smart Energy Conference
Steering Committee member of the Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy Conference
Managing Risks in migrating to Digital Substations Digital Substations (Berlin)
Keynote speaker, Metering India 2019
Research & Studies
To share our team’s familiarity with the changing energy market and new technologies, we frequently lead and engage industry studies and researches, some examples: :
City College of New York: Campus Prep for Smart Building Operation